When will we have mainnet?

I am so exciting for this project. Every my friends informed me about aptos and i am here :slight_smile:


Wow thats a good one.

You are welcome to Aptos family. We are so happy to have you here


Just found about aptos today, glad I am not too late. There is too much going on to follow everything tbh.


You are welcome to Aptos family. We are so happy to have you here.

Dear, you are super early.
It is so good to have you with us.:muscle::handshake:t3:

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Walk around, feel free to ask anything.


@cryptoaadam I like the community here, but what is the proposition of value of this new blockchain? I was wondering. I’m discovering it!

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Just take your time and go through the documents available here and in other social handles.

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Yes it’s part of the community feed you with legal info

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What are we talking about?

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